Napoleon Dynamite Time Machine
This time machine will blow you into the future!
Goes Backward In Time
Goes Forward In Time
Stops Time
Time In Slow Motion
See The Big Bang
Bring Back Items
Time Machine Pro's
  • Fits Nice In Nuts
  • Uses 220 AMP
  • Fashion Statement
Time Machine Cons
  • Hurts Alot
  • Smells Bad After Use
  • Burns Balls Off
Reader Rating: (5 Votes)

This is an amazing piece of work. It will blow you into the future or it will knock you back in time depending on if you use 220 or 120 amp electricity. It fits comfortably in your groin area and only causes medium to moderate pain in the testicles.


AdequateReviews does not recommend this product for kids under the age of 16. Make sure to carry a weapon on you when you plug it in if your going to the old west.

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  1. Profile photo of adequate

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