Hover Board
This is a must try product for anyone into time travel.
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Hoverboard Technologies was started by Robert Bigler, inventor and entrepreneur. Robert’s vision for the future of personal electric mobility has finally lead to the delivery of the Hoverboard. The Hoverboard design has been in Robert’s mind for many years, and the successful sale of Robert’s previous company, Animatics Corporation, allowed him to bring his dream to life.

The Hoverboard is the first, and favorite, in a string of concepts Robert will be bringing to life in the near future through an Incubator he started, called “Equalia”. Hoverboard Technologies is wholly owned by Equalia. Equalia does all of the design work for Hoverboard and is comprised of a small group of engineers and industry professionals, working in a facility built in Mt. View, the heart of Silicon Valley, for this purpose.

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3 Responses

  1. Jonathan

    Ut sit amet eros pharetra, dapibus ligula non, elementum orci. Vivamus velit ligula, pellentesque sit amet dolor ut, congue iaculis odio. Aliquam fringilla dapibus congue.

  2. Profile photo of adequate

    Aliquam mattis turpis odio. Nunc vel ante et mi pretium posuere. Duis semper arcu at augue convallis, ut aliquet nibh placerat. Praesent eu massa ut dui imperdiet tincidunt at eu neque. Donec porta lectus eu cursus ultrices.

    • Profile photo of adequate

      Et cursus ligula sem vel arcu. Pellentesque gravida lacus non sapien egestas placerat. Etiam vitae nunc eu mauris aliquet bibendum.


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